Humanity Working
Humanity Working is a podcast focused on employee development for the future of work.
In each episode, we engage with authors, business leaders, and top-tier academics to understand how workplaces can adapt and thrive in a rapidly evolving world. This podcast aims to provide employers with actionable strategies to build a resilient, adaptable, and future-proof workforce.
Join us as we navigate the changing landscape of work, exploring topics such as workforce transformation, leadership development, employee adaptability, and resilience. Discover the steps you can take to foster a humane, productive workplace that is prepared for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.
Humanity Working
The Power of Groops with Bobbi Wegner, Psy.D.
Bobbi Wegner Psy.D. is a Clinical Psychologist who teaches Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Harvard University. She is also the founder and CEO of Groops - a Group Connection platform used by organizations looking to improve the effectiveness of groups by improving communication and inclusion, strengthening relationships and enhancing trust.
Also check out Dr. Wegner's TedX Talk: Feminist Boys are our Future Men: Changing the Culture of Sexual Violence from a Very Early Age - Clinical psychologist and Harvard Lecturer, Bobbi Wegner, Psy.D., explores the role our brain plays in unconsciously gendertyping women and how that feeds a culture of sexual violence and inequity. She offers 3 powerful pieces of practical advice on how to talk to children about this, changing the way men and women see each other from a very early age.
To find out more about Dr. Wegner, visit, and to learn more about Groops, visit
Humanity Working is brought to you by BillionMinds - the company that makes employees ready for the Future of Work.
BillionMinds helps companies be ready for the future of work by developing adaptable, resilient employees.
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